Get Visas, PR and Citizenship
At confirm Documents we can help you get visas in any country including: USA, Canada, UK, France, Italy, New Zealand, Spain, UAE, Netherlands, Japan, Australia, Germany, China, Austria, Russia, Hong Kong, Armenia, Chile, Japan, Kazakstan, Latvia, Malaysia, Mexico, Norway, South Korea, Switzerland,Vietnam etc.
Get Visas
We can help you handle your visa application, process your tourist visa, student visa, work visa, Schengen visa, E-visa, business visa, temporal visa, permanent residency, citizenship and help you extend your visa 100% legit and in any country without immigration stress 100% valid and acceptable.
U.K Visas
We can help you get U.K Tourist Visa, U.K Work Visa, U.K Student Visa, U.K Family Visa, U.K Visitor Visa, U.K Transit Visa, U.K Settlement Visa.
Canada Visas
Get 100% authentic Canada visa with us without stress ranging from: Temporary Resident Visa TRV( visitor visa, study visa and work permit) Permanent Resident visa( express entry, family sponsorship, provincial Nominee program, business immigration) eTA electronic travel authorization.
Australia visas
Get your Australian visa with us without stress 100% legit including: Australia Tourist Visa, Australia Work Visa, Australia Student Visa, Australia Visitor Visa, Australia Partner visa, Australia Transit Visa, Australia Working Holiday Visa.
U.S.A Visas
Get your visa and travel to the USA with us 100% legit without stress, get your US visas including: Nonimmigrant Visa(B-1/B-2, F-1, H-1B) and Immigrant visa only at Confirm Documents.
Get Permanent Residency
We can help you get Permanent residency without stress 100% legit and valid for 5 years in all countries including: EU Long-Term Residence Permit, National Permanent Residence Permits, Residency Through Investment (Golden Visas), Permanent Residency as a Family Member,Permanent Residency Through Refugee or Asylum Status, Special Agreements or Historical Ties.
Canada Permanent Residency
Canada Permanent Residency (PR) is a status granted to individuals who are not Canadian citizens but have been authorized to live and work in Canada on a permanent basis. As a permanent resident, you enjoy many of the same benefits as Canadian citizens, such as access to healthcare, social services, and the right to live, work, or study anywhere in Canada.
U.K Permanent Residency
Get your UK full driver’s license without taking the driving test register and verified direct from the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA)
We can also help you exchange your foreign driver’s license and upgrade your UK driver’s license.
U.S.A Green Card
Without exam get your driver’s license in the USA register and verify under the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) in any state and valid for 4 to 8 years in all category including: Class D (Standard License), Commercial Driver’s License (CDL), Motorcycle License and Learner’s Permit.
Get Citizenship
We are here to help you get citizenship as well, valid for all countries including Eu members states, Canada, USA, UK , Australia and more.
Australia Citizenship
Get your Australia citizenship with us which is a legal status that signifies an individual as a member of the Australian nation. It provides certain rights, privileges, and responsibilities. Citizenship can be acquired by birth, descent, or through the process of conferral (naturalization), we are here to get your citizenship for you.
U.S.A Citizenship
We can also help you get U.S.A. citizenship which is a legal status that signifies membership in the United States. It grants individuals certain rights, privileges, and responsibilities, with us you can enjoy your citizenship in the USA.
Canada Citizenship
Canada citizenship refers to the legal status of being a recognized member of the Canadian state. As a Canadian citizen, you have specific rights, responsibilities, and privileges under the law. Citizenship in Canada can be acquired through birth or by naturalization, so we are here to help you get your citizenship in Canada without stress.